Through my eyes

It's not always the way it seems...

Sunday, September 28, 2008


Today is Sunday, usually my lazy day, and despite my hangover plus the dreary weather I wasn't setteling for being indoors. I decided at the last minute to hop on the train to Chicago to visit my friend Ted. I had to return a couple books and a travel coffee mug that he let me borrow. When I got there we went for coffee, soup, and cheese danish. Then we went to Reckless records for some light music browsing. Now I am on the train home. It was a good day and I did't spend more than $10 dollars.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My halloween costume

So Brenda, Joe and I were checking out the Miller High Life girl on the tapper at Russ's. Brenda suggested Joe be her for Halloween but alas he said no and suggested that I be her. So you may be seeing me in a sombraro for Halloween.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Lynn e-mailed me at work the other day and asked me what was inspiring me lately. Well it's been my recent times spent in Chicago, discovering some new bands, and playing my guitar. All these things have helped inspire me to start writing again. This year has been an adjustment for me, I've had some subtle life changes, some great, some disappointing, but adjusting to all of them has not been the easiest for me; sometimes I felt like I was on a roller coaster. So writing has helped me to get all this stuff out of my head and move on. Now I can get back to a semi-normal life because completely normal would just not be me.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Good fortune

I have never been much of a gambler but tonight was totally my night. I've played "left, right, center" only 1 time before tonight and lost miserably. However, I won the jackpot twice tonight. I ended up walking out of the bar with as much money as I brought in. I love this game...that's close enough (for you Joe)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Home sweet home pic

This was supposed to go with my last post

Home sweet home

I am finally back home from Ohio. The trip was very sucessful, we got 32 new accounts. I decided to stay home after I got home so Bill and I lit a cozy fire and had a couple beers to relax...i love home.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I found Cleo sitting on my suitcase this morning. It was as if she was telling not to go to Ohio because she will miss me. I always miss her and think about her often when I travel but I know Bill will take good care of her while I'm gone.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tony's dream job

After dropping off my mom at O'hare airport for her return to Cali, Tony found this front to an "L" car. This will be him one day driving a real "L" car for the CTA.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Re: Michigan

Coming home from my journey to Michigan with my mom gave me some time to think...which is always dangerous for me especially when I am away from home for more than a day. Let's just say I will be thinking a lot from now on.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Grandma's Pantry

I always wondered what was in my grandma's pantry. Well yesterday I found clams who'd a thought. Do you know what's in your grandma's pantry?


mobile blogging test 2

Monday, September 08, 2008


test mobile blogging...1

Sunday, September 07, 2008

City Streets

A month ago you were here
A month ago we drank beer

3 weeks ago I was in your arms
3 weeks ago I was wooed by your charm

2 weeks ago I drove from afar
2 weeks ago you kissed me outside a bar

1 week ago you laid in my bed
1 week ago I stroked the hair on your head

today I missed you
today I wished I could've kiss you

3 Generations

3 generations of Italian's on my mom's side of the family...amazing!

Today's Horoscope

My horoscope for September 7th: Although you may need to defend your right to do something your own way today, it's better to approach conflict from the perspective of cooperative negotiation, rather than adversarial conflict. You can see both sides of an issue now, and your willingness to admit that freely will strengthen, not weaken, your position.

My response to horoscope: Well I didn't approach conflict or have adversarial conflict other than a simple text with no response...and I didn't pursue it after that. Even though there was no response I certainly see both sides to the Gemini's issue we are faced with at the moment.

Today's Number 4:
Show others they can depend on you today; be focused and work hard. You may feel like procrastinating in the face of all the demands that are placed on you. It's important today to follow through on your words with action and avoid making promises you can't fulfill.

My response to today's #: I drove to the city today...didn't drink any alcohol (dependable). I procrastinated on my essay for my history class but got it done when I got home from Chicago. I didn't make any empty promises :)