Through my eyes

It's not always the way it seems...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More random thoughts of a suburban girl

I have been true, I have been kind
Being repulsive is just all in my mind
Signals are protruded to the universe
It's not just another line you've rehearsed
Damn, why don't you get the hint
Your messages go unanswered like a ball of lint
I asked for this
Just put me on that fucking list
Of people who want to be left alone
but long for the unknown
Music is my soul
There is always this empty hole
In my heart that I can't seem to fill
Only with empty men and cheap thrills
When will I have the answers to my life?
When will I be someone's wife?
I need to take care of a few things before then
It is then, and only then, I can say...when

A Heavy Heart

Whatever was missing we may never know
I was feeling good about it even after the show
It wasn't until the silence filled the air
That I realized you weren't really there
Nothing seemed to fill the void in my heart
You couldn't reassure me it was just a rocky start
The sadness over weighed the joy
My emotions were strong as I implored
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know what to say
So we made a mutual agreement and called it a day
I can't claim to be happy with how it all came about
I just wish my heart didn't have any doubt
So now the pressures off and we still hang heavy in my mind
But as least I know we will be civil and truly kind

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Me, Myself, and I

Clearly I am fighting a loosing battle
I wave the white flag and hop off my saddle
Late night conversations with a stranger
Are truly one sided and led me to danger
Where's the fun in the chase
If I I always win the race
It's time to lead, not follow
It's time for me not to feel hollow
Fulfilling the void with personal joys
Not being distracted by silly boys
I give up and surrender to me
I am in no hurry for love to be
It will be grand and he will be right
But that's far from my future's sight
Imagination takes me away
My slate is wiped clean for tomorrow is another day
Walk away with my held high
Waving my hand with a confident goodbye