Through my eyes

It's not always the way it seems...

Monday, March 31, 2008


What are dreams? I am sure there is a scientific explanation for them but since I am too lazy to look that up...I believe our dreams are one of the "unexplainable" things in our world. Somehow we are connected to the events that take place with what may be happening around us in real life. I have been having dreams of people that I haven't talked to or seen in a long time. I think I am having these dreams because I have been thinking about these people or vice versa they are thinking about me. I don't always remember my dreams but when I do they are vibrant with color, detail and I always remember exactly what happened...almost as if I when I am sleeping I pick and choose what dreams I want to remember. I remember dreams I've had in high school because they really made an impact on me at the time, believe it or not that was 10 years ago. I believe everything happens for a reason and dreams are one of those "things." A recent dream I've had was with my friend Stacy who moved to Seattle last August with her husband. I haven't talked to her in a while and I miss her, I often wonder if she thinks about us back here in Waukegan which is probably why I had a dream about her. So to wrap this up, I always take action or take some lesson away from my dreams. So, I will be dropping Stacy a line soon, that dream was a reminder to keep in touch with her and not forget our friendship like I have done with others who moved away in the past.


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