Through my eyes

It's not always the way it seems...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Now I am not even a real mom but I sure felt like one yesterday. My day started off at Pete and Brenda's for brunch. They made homemade waffles, egg mcmuffins, sausage, bacon, smoked salmon, scrambled eggs, coffee, and juice. It was a feast fit for, well, a mom! Pete's parents, Brenda's sister in law, Jesse and I were all there. I got to see my godson Logen and hold him for a couple pictures.
Later that afternoon I went to my aunt Maryann's house for dinner, good company and just plain ol fun. My dad got me flowers for being a "mom" to him and my brother. Then later that night when I came home I found in cookies in the old fashioned milk box attached to the house from Logen. There they are in the pic to the left. It was such a good day and I am glad I got to spend it with people close to me.


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